
Saturday, December 14, 2013

I kept putting it off.  I did not want to do it.  Asking for help is uncomfortable enough, but asking for money?  

I am absolutely astounded by the generosity of family, friends, acquaintances and strangers.

Yesterday, we asked for help collecting money for an ipad for Sarah.  We were able to reach and exceed our goal.  Now we have to figure out what to do with the extra funds.  I had expected to meet the goal, but I expected it to take longer- much longer- and I did not expect exceed because I figured I could update as soon as the goal was met.  It happened so fast!

We are torn between donating excess to someone who has helped us- like the Ronald McDonald house where we always stay when Sarah is in the hospital, and donating to another child with like needs.  (I don't know one, I just think we could find one.)  We will not keep excess.  Money was donated to help a kid with a need, and we will make sure it goes to meet a need.

I am a little dumbstruck.  I am struggling to find the right thing to say.  Thank you doesn't seem like enough, but everything else seems to sidestep gratitude.

We did ask, and you answered.  Sarah will get her voice for Christmas.  Thank you!  We are so excited and so grateful!  Thank you.


  1. Beth, this is so wonderful! Such a good reminder to "ask and you shall receive!" :) So happy for Sarah and your family. Merry Christmas to you guys!

  2. I am glad the goal was met.. and in time to make Sarah's Christmas

  3. I was telling my husband how incredibly strong and brave it was of you to ask for money. I know how hard it is asking for help...I feel bad just asking for meals so I can't even imagine how hard this was for you. But you made the right decision, and now your little girl will get her voice :) God is good...people are good...I always love seeing "ask and you shall receive" in action!
